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In 1965 Fabbrica Automatismi Apertura Cancelli (Factory for the Automation of Gates Opening) was founded. Since then, the acronym FAAC has been synonymous for door automation all over the world.
The story of FAAC is one based on an intuition, which came to Giuseppe Manini and turned into both a product and a service. It is the story of unwavering progress, fueled by commitment and the courage to innovate.
It is the story of a small town workshop which turned into a business ready to broach new markets, in Italy first, and later the rest of the world.
It is the story of an entrepreneurial dream, which thanks to a strategic, forward-looking vision, to investments aimed at developing new technologies and a firm belief in the human factor, has grown constantly over the years, owing to both organic growth as well as acquisitions. The group today is a leading global player in the field of automation and access control.
Today, with more than half a century of history behind it, FAAC is a successful multinational firm with a strong structure and highly organized management.